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Celona Legal Terms

Celona Enterprise 4G/5G LAN Service Terms and Conditions

Last Revised: May 2024

These Celona Enterprise 4G/5G LAN Service Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) set forth the terms and conditions under which Celona, Inc. (“Celona”) is willing to provide Celona Products (as defined below) to customers (“Customer”) (either directly or indirectly through a reseller or channel partner of Celona) and Customer is willing to use and purchase such Products. Celona and Customer may be individually referred to as “Party” or collectively as “Parties”. Inconsideration of the covenants and conditions set forth herein, Celona and Customer agree as follows:



Access Point” or “Celona AP” means the Celona provided 4G-LTE eNodeb and 5G gNodeb access points for both indoor and outdoor wireless connectivity over CBRS spectrum (or such spectrum in non-U.S. locations, if and when available). Access Points include those models that Celona currently makes available on its price list and any new Access Points offered by Celona on its price list during the Term.  

Celona Edge Software” or “Edge Software” means the software application for terminating data and control plane traffic from the Access Points and serves as the LTE/5G mobile core for wireless clients.

Documentation” means the installation and operating instructions, user manuals, help files, ‘README’ files, training materials, and the specifications and technical information and materials provided by Celona to Customer.

End Users” means Customer’s employees, contractors, guests, invitees, or anyone else to whom Customer authorizes access to the Access Points.

Error” means a failure of the Product to conform to the specifications set forth in the Documentation, resulting in the inability to use, or material restriction in the use of, the Product, or a noticeable and repeating disruption in the Product’s performance.

Firmware” means the software embedded in the Access Points. 

Celona Orchestrator” or (“CSO”) means Celona’s proprietary web-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) for managing the Access Points and Edge Software, SIM provisioning, policy automation and related services as described in the Documentation. 

Orchestrator Additional Services means the optional, additional features or services that Celona makes available for additional fees and are provided through the Celona Orchestrator and/or Celona Edge Software.

Process” means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

Products” means, collectively, Access Points (including the Firmware), the Orchestrator, Celona Edge Software, the Documentation, the Orchestrator Additional Services, and any related equipment, including any appliances, brackets, antenna, and related Support Services, as may be ordered by Customer and provided by Celona pursuant to one (1) or more Purchase Orders.

Purchase Order” means a Customer issued purchase order that sets forth the Products ordered, or purchase order issued by an a Celona authorized reseller.

Service Term” means the term of the subscription granted by Celona to Customer with respect to the Products. Service Terms are either three or five years unless otherwise agreed in writing by Celona and Customer. 

Software means any Celona machine-readable object code and accompanying activation keys, if any, made available under this Agreement, whether incorporated in the hardware Products (e.g., Firmware) or delivered separately (e.g., Edge Software), and includes Software releases and any updates of that Software the Customer is entitled to receive as part of the Support Services.

Support Service” means Celona’s standard support services offered to Customer for the Products, as currently described in this Agreement, and as may be supplemented or modified during the Service Term.


2.1. Subscriptions

Celona provides the Products on a subscription basis, meaning that the Customer’s use of the hardware Products, the Orchestrator cloud services, and the Celona Edge Software is limited to the Service Term ordered by Customer. Customer’s access rights to the Celona Orchestrator and license to the Celona Edge Software, and generally use of the private cellular network enabled by the Products will end upon expiration of the Service Term unless Customer elects to renew Customer’s subscription, subject to Celona’s end of life policies. Certain Products, as identified on Celona’s price list or quotation (e.g., antenna, brackets, Edge appliance), are sold to Customer. Use of these Products is not limited by the Service Term.

2.2. Non-Commercial Purposes/Trial Terms

Products that are provided by Celona or an authorized Celona reseller for non-commercial purposes, including but not limited to trial, demonstration, education, or for Customer’s internal testing and lab purposes ("Non-commercial Purposes") are provided by Celona “AS IS WITH ALL FAULTS AND WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS, OR REMEDIES and shall be offered free of charge until the earlier of: (i) cancellation of the free trial in Celona’s sole discretion and without notice; (ii) expiration of the free trial period for the Products, time-limited by Celona under additional trial terms; (iii) the start date of any purchased Service Term for the Products ordered by Customer. In no event shall Celona have any obligation to continue nor any obligation to renew any subscription used for Non-commercial Purposes. Software that has been licensed for and hardware Products that have been provided for Non-commercial Purposes shall not be used in a production environment. Additional trial terms and conditions for Products for Non-commercial Purposes may appear on an applicable Celona registration web page, or included with the Products when delivered to Customer. Any such additional terms and conditions are incorporated into this Agreement by reference and are legally binding.

2.3. Existing Agreement

If Celona and Customer have entered into a written agreement governing the purchase of Celona Products (“Existing Agreement”), the terms of such Existing Agreement shall prevail to the extent this Agreement conflicts with such Existing Agreement. 

2.4. Purchases through Authorized Resellers

If Customer has purchased Products through a Celona authorized reseller, then the terms of Customer’s agreement with the reseller will prevail over the terms set forth in Sections 3 and 4. 


3.1. Purchasing

Customer may initiate purchases of Celona Products by submitting a Purchase Order to Celona. If Celona has issued a quotation to Customer for the Products, Customer should include the quotation number on the Purchase Order. Any delivery dates stated in a Purchase Order are considered a request only and subject to confirmation in writing by Celona. If the quantity of Access Points in the Purchase Order exceeds the quantity quoted, Celona reserves the right to confirm such additional quantity is available and adjust the dates of shipment as necessary to meet the higher quantity. Celona shall use commercially reasonable efforts to send a written confirmation (via email) of receipt of Purchase Orders within five (5) days from receipt and verify the shipping dates and other modifications, if any, to Customer’s Purchase Order.

3.2. Fees and Taxes

Customer will pay the subscription fees for the Products and purchase price for hardware Products that are sold on a stand-alone basis (e.g. antenna or Edge appliance) as set forth in the quotation issued by Celona (or Celona authorized reseller) (together, the “Fees”). The Fees do not include Federal, State, Provincial or local sales, excise, use or other taxes applicable to the Products (excluding only taxes based on Celona’s income, property or personnel). Applicable taxes will be added to the sales price if Celona has the legal obligation to collect the same and will be invoiced to and paid by Customer, unless Customer provides Celona with a proper tax exemption certificate. In the event Celona is required to pay any such tax, Customer shall promptly reimburse Celona.

3.3. Payment Terms

Unless otherwise stated in Celona’s quotation and order acknowledgement, Customer must pay for all Products at time of order. Upon reviewing Customer’s credit status, Celona may offer payment terms of net 30 days from date of invoice. Celona reserves the right to require alternative payment terms based upon Customer’s credit application. All amounts payable shall be invoiced and paid in United States Dollars and all payments shall be made to Celona at its office in California, or to such other location as Celona may designate in writing. Interest accrues on the unpaid balance of overdue invoices at a rate of one percent (1.0%) per month (or, if lower, the amount permitted by law) from the original due date of the invoice. Payment shall not be withheld for Customer’s delay in installation of the Access Points. In the event any invoices remain outstanding (and undisputed) for a period of thirty (30) days or more, Celona shall have the right upon ten days advance written notice to suspend access to the Orchestrator, or delay shipment of any additional Access Points and/or terminate this Agreement.


4.1. Shipping Terms

Celona will ship to Customer the quantity of Access Points and other hardware Products ordered by Customer FCA (Incoterms 2010) from the Celona factory or distribution center. The price of all Products, unless otherwise specifically stated in Celona’s quotation or order acknowledgement, excludes the fees for shipment of the Access Points to Customer’s location. If requested by Customer, Celona will arrange for selection of a shipping company and shipment on the Customer’s behalf. Celona will include the shipping fees on the invoice to Customer. In the absence of shipping instructions from Customer, Celona reserves the right to select the means of transportation and routing. Unless otherwise advised, Celona will insure Access Points to their full value or declare full value thereof to the transportation company and all shipping and insurance costs shall be for Customer’s account. Destruction of, or damage to, Access Points shall not release, reduce, or in any way affect Customer’s obligation to pay for same. Celona will assist Customer seeking recovery for any loss or damage to the Access Points while in transit.

4.2. Risk of Loss and Title Transfer

Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Celona, title and risk of loss or damage shall pass to Customer upon delivery of the Access Points to the transportation company at Celona’s facility. 

4.3. Cancellation

Once accepted, Purchase Orders may not be canceled without written approval from Celona. Except as set forth in this Agreement, there is no right of return for the Access Points or right to cancel subscriptions to the Orchestrator.

4.4. Inspection Rights

Customer shall have the right to inspect the Access Points and other hardware Products (e.g., Edge appliance or antenna) upon delivery. Customer’s exclusive remedy with respect to any defective or non-conforming hardware Products shall be to have Celona replace such defective or nonconforming hardware or credit Customer’s account, whichever Celona may elect in its sole discretion. If Customer reports to Celona a defective hardware Product within 30 days of delivery, then Celona will ship to Customer an advance replacement at Celona’s cost in exchange for the defective hardware delivered to Customer. To avoid additional charges, Customer must return the defective Product within 15 days of receipt of the replacement Product. If Celona finds that any hardware Product has been returned which is not defective or non-conforming, Celona may charge Customer a $200 fee for testing and examination.

4.5. Installation

Customer will install the Access Points using a Certified Professional Installer (“CPI”). A CPI is an individual trained and currently validly certified from an accredited CPI Training Program based on the relevant FCC Part 96 rules and associated technical best practices for the Citizens Broadband Radio Spectrum (CBRS). A CPI does not necessarily have to physically install the Access Points but must certify the installation parameters with respect to the designated CBRS registration data provided to the SAS and is personally responsible for the correctness of this data.

The following terms apply to Customers who have ordered Celona Products on a rental basis.

A. Celona Rental SKUs

If you have ordered Celona Products on a rental basis, then Celona is the sole owner/title holder of the hardware of the Products (together with any upgrades, replacements, repairs, and accessories connected to or provided with the hardware, collectively the “Hardware”) during the rental period, and any extension thereto. Customer may not sell, transfer, encumber or assign Hardware without express prior written consent of Celona or its assignee.

B. Rental Conditions

Celona is providing the Hardware of the Product to Customer on a rental basis for the period of time referenced in the Celona service/product pricing description (typically for three (3) months). Customer will keep the Hardware at the location specified in the Purchase Order. Should Customer unilaterally move or relocate Hardware, Customer will notify Celona of the new location.

Customer agrees to use and maintain Hardware in accordance with Celona Documentation. Customer is responsible for the risk of loss for any destruction or damage to the Hardware and for any injuries due to the acts or omissions of the Customer. In the event Hardware fails to perform as specified in the Documentation and Celona is unable to cure the problem, Celona will replace Hardware with the same or like units at no charge to Customer.

Customer shall promptly notify Celona of any loss, destruction, damage, or injury. No such loss, destruction or damage will relieve the Customer of its payment obligations for the rental period. Upon any loss, destruction or damage, Celona shall have the right to terminate the rental period and Customer shall be liable for unpaid rental payments plus the estimated fair market value of the Hardware of the Product at the end of the scheduled rental period.

C. Rental Fees

The fees for the rental period are due in advance. Celona will invoice Customer upon shipment of the Hardware. If within ninety (90) days of the beginning of the rental period, Customer elects to purchase a full subscription for three or more years to the Celona Products, then Celona will credit the fees for the entire rental period towards the fees for the full subscription.

D. Rental Termination

After the initial rental period, Customer may elect to purchase a full subscription for Celona Products, including the Hardware in Customer’s possession. Upon Celona’s acceptance of Customer’s Purchase Order for a full subscription, title to the Hardware will pass to Customer. The rental period cannot be renewed or extended without Celona’s prior written consent. If Customer does not elect to purchase a full subscription for Celona Products, then Customer will pack the Hardware in the packaging in which it was delivered and arrange for return shipment of the Hardware to Celona. Celona will pay for return shipment. If Customer fails or refuses to return Hardware, Celona shall have the right to take possession of Hardware. Customer must pay any and all additional rental fees due until Celona receives the Hardware or pay Celona the fair market value of the Hardware if Celona is unable to take possession.


5.1. Software License

All Software is licensed to Customer, not sold. The Software is licensed for use only with the Access Points provided by Celona. All Software is protected by U.S. copyright law and international treaties. Except where Customer is paying for a managed service from a managed service provider of Celona Products, Celona grants to Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to install, activate, execute and view the Software during the Service Term. Customer shall have no right or license in the Software, unless Customer rightfully acquired the Software license from an authorized Celona reseller. Except with respect to any Open Source Software, all right, title and interest in and to the Software is retained by Celona and/or its licensors and is proprietary in nature. Celona reserves all rights and licenses in and to the Software not expressly granted to Customer.

5.1.1. All Firmware updates to the Access Points will be automatically deployed, unless Customer elects (through the Orchestrator) not to receive automatic updates. Celona will make available release notes for every Firmware update and changes to the Orchestrator. Celona will provide advance notice of any Firmware updates that introduce significant new or different functionality.

5.2. Third-Party Software Licenses

The Products may contain or be provided with components which are licensed from third parties (“Third Party Code”), including components subject to the terms and conditions of “open source” software licenses (“Open Source Software”). To the extent required by the license that accompanies the Open Source Software, the terms of such license will apply in lieu of the terms of this Agreement with respect to such Open Source Software, including, without limitation, any provisions governing access to source code, modification, or reverse engineering. Celona’s licensors of Third Party Code disclaim all warranties not expressly made, including implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. In no event will Third Party Code licensors be liable for incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages, except for personal injury, but only to the extent applicable law requires such liability without limitation, and except to the extent some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages.


6.1. Orchestrator

During the Service Term, subject to Customer’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including the payment of any applicable fees, Celona will provide Customer access to the Orchestrator. If Customer has purchased a Orchestrator Additional Service, Celona will provide Customer access to the Orchestrator Additional Service for the Service Term for that Additional Service.

6.2. Activation Codes

Following delivery of the Access Points, Customer will be required to activate its subscription to the Orchestrator. Each Access Point requires an activation code in order to manage the Access Point from the Orchestrator. Celona will email to Customer’s designated contact the Orchestrator activation codes. For any Orchestrator Additional Service that requires an activation code, Celona will email Customer the activation code which Customer will enter into the Orchestrator in order to activate the Orchestrator Additional Service. Celona may elect to make Orchestrator Additional Services available to Customer on a promotional basis for no additional fees. In this case, Celona reserves the right to cancel the Orchestrator Additional Service at any time. Customer may order Orchestrator Additional Services at any time.

6.3. User Credentials

Access to the Orchestrator is limited to individual employees, consultants or contractors of Customer who are provided a registered account by Customer, having an individual user identification name and password. Account names and passwords may not be shared. Customer is responsible for all access to the Orchestrator by its employees, consultants and contractors. Customer shall immediately notify Celona in the event that Customer becomes aware of any violation of the terms of this Agreement. In the event Customer becomes aware that the security of any user’s login information has been breached, Customer shall immediately notify Celona of such breach and Customer shall immediately de-activate such account or change the account’s login information.

6.4. Orchestrator Maintenance and Updates

Customer will receive those updates and enhancements to the Orchestrator for no additional charge that Celona makes generally available to its other customers as part of the standard Orchestrator services. Celona shall perform routine maintenance sufficient to keep the Celona Orchestrator performing in accordance with Documentation. Typically, any maintenance, enhancements or updates to the Orchestrator is completed without interruption to the Celona Orchestrator services and does not require any downtime. 

6.5. Restrictions on Use

Customer will not, and will not permit any third party to (a) modify, copy, or otherwise reproduce the Products in whole or in part; (b) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code form or structure of the code used in any Products and Services (unless such restrictions are prohibited by law); (c) provide, lease or lend the Products to any third party except as expressly authorized in writing by Celona; (d) remove any proprietary notices or labels displayed on the Products; (e) modify or create a derivative work of any part of the Products; (f) use the Products for any unlawful purpose; (g) attempt to gain unauthorized access to or breach the security mechanisms of the Products; (i) access any Products in order to build a competitive product or service; or (k) interfere with, disrupt, alter, translate or modify the Products. The Products have not been designed or approved for use in on-line control of aircraft, air traffic or aircraft navigation, or aircraft communications; or in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility. Customer will not use the Products for any such purposes.


7.1. Requesting Support

Support Services are included in the Fees for the Products. Celona shall provide internet based and email assistance to Customer on a 24 hour per day, 7 day per week basis to provide technical support to correct Errors, answer questions pertaining to installation, implementation, capabilities and/or use of the Products and such other support reasonably requested by Customer.

7.1.1. Customer may request Support Service via email (support@celona.io) or through the user interface for the Orchestrator. Unless otherwise specified by Customer, Celona will reasonably determine the priority level ofErrors and take the actions described in Section 7.2, below.

7.1.2. Celona shall permit access by Customer to any website(s) providing technical support information to the extent that Celona makes such access available to any of its customers. Such technical support website would generally contain service bulletins, release notes, frequency asked questions (FAQs), etc. 

7.2. Severity Levels

Customer may select the severity level of the Error or technical request being reported. Celona will respond to Customer support requests based upon the severity level of the problem.

Severity Definition Response Time
Severity Level 1 Product is inoperable or its performance is so severely reduced that Product cannot be utilized. No workaround is available. Celona responds in less than 1 hour and immediate escalation to Engineering if not resolved in 6 hours.
Severity Level 2 There is significant Product performance degradation, but a workaround is available. Celona responds in less than 4 hours and escalation to Engineering if not resolved within 8 hours.
Severity Level 3 There is an issue or defect causing minimal business impact. Celona responds in less than 8 hours and escalation to Engineering if not resolved within 5 days.
Severity Level 4 Request for information; administrative requests Celona responds in 24 hours or less.

7.3. Software Updates and Releases

The Support Services includes those updates and new releases to the Software that Celona makes generally available to its other customers for no additional fees. Celona will provide release notes for Software updates and new releases and will coordinate with Customer to deploy such updates or new releases on Access Points and Celona Edge Software. In the event of a security vulnerability requiring immediate action, Celona reserves the right to distribute Software patches to Access Points and Edge Software. Celona will at all times provide Support Service for the current major version and the prior two major versions of the Products. Versions are based upon four numbers (e.g., v2402) and a major version is measured by the two numbers just to the left of the decimal (e.g., v2402.2)


8.1. Data

The Products enable Customer to Process information and data about: (a) the Access Points and their configuration, use and performance; (b) devices that connect to the Access Points; and, if applicable, (c) configuration, use and performance of the private cellular network enabled by the Products. This information and data may include, but is not limited to, a) IP address, IMSI, ICCID, and MSISDNs associated with client devices that connect to Access Points (collectively, “Device Data”), and b) metadata and performance metrics from client devices, Access Points, and Celona Edge Software clusters (“Metadata”). 

8.2. Data Processing:

Celona Processes Device Data and Metadata solely in order to:

8.2.1. provide the Products, including the Orchestrator and Orchestrator Additional Services to Customer and to allow Customer to monitor the use and performance of the Access Points, Celona Edge, and exercise control over the traffic on Customer’s network;

8.2.2. provide support, diagnostics and maintenance services for the Products;

8.2.3.provide analytics, including, if available, comparisons and benchmarks across devices on an aggregated basis;

8.2.4. perform research, development, analysis, product testing and quality assurance on an aggregated basis;

8.2.5. protect Celona’s rights or to enforce the terms of this Agreement; and

8.2.6. comply with lawful requests from Customer, End Users, law enforcement, national security agencies or other government regulatory authorities; 

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, unless required by law, Celona may not disclose or otherwise provide access to any third party (who is not an approved Celona subprocessor) any Customer Data that is not both Aggregated Data and De-identified Data. “Aggregated Data” means information that relates to a group or category of individuals, from which individual identities have been removed, that is not linked or reasonably linkable to any individual or household, including via a device. “De-identified Data” means information that (i) cannot reasonably be used to infer information about, or otherwise be linked, to an identified or identifiable individual, or a device linked to such an individual and (ii) complies with the requirements of de-identified data as defined by applicable law.

8.3. Customer Consent

By using the Products, Customer authorizes and licenses the Processing of Device Data and Metadata pursuant to this Agreement by Celona and subprocessors (which include Celona’s third-party cloud hosting providers), including any such data collected by Celona under any prior agreements with Customer.

8.4. End User Consents

Customer acknowledges and agrees that, if required by applicable privacy laws, it is Customer’s responsibility to provide notice to, and obtain all necessary consents from, End Users regarding the Processing of data in accordance with this Agreement and for any additional Processing done by Customer or on Customer’s behalf. Customer represents and warrants that Customer will comply with all applicable privacy and data protection laws and regulations regarding such data Processing.

8.5. End User Requests and Disclosure

To the extent reasonably possible, Celona shall notify the Customer of any End User data subject requests, complaints and inquiries (e.g., regarding the rectification, deletion and blocking of or the access to personal data, or any other rights data subject may have under applicable law) and shall provide assistance to the Customer to respond to such requests, complaints or inquiries in a timely manner. Taking into account the nature of the Processing, Celona shall assist the Customer by appropriate technical and organizational measures, insofar as reasonably possible, for the fulfilment of the Customer's obligations to respond to requests for exercising the End User data subject's rights under applicable law. Celona generally will not independently respond to such End User complaints, requests and orders without the Customer’s prior approval, except where required by applicable law or where the End User is associated with more than one customer of Celona. 

8.6. Data Export by Customer

Customer is solely responsible for any export or transfer of any Device Data or any Metadata to any other Customer systems, devices, or software or to third parties or other platforms external to the Products and for any related Processing. 

8.7. Data Security

Celona shall maintain reasonable security measures, controls, procedures and written policies designed to: (1) protect Device Data and Metadata from unauthorized use, alteration, or disclosure; (2) protect the confidentiality and integrity of Device Data and Metadata; (3) prevent unauthorized access and unauthorized use of the Orchestrator; and (4) protect the Software and Access Points from viruses, malware or malicious code. Such protection and prevention measures include the following:

8.7.1. reasonable restrictions regarding physical access to Celona’s servers and cloud infrastructure and regarding electronic access to Device Data and the Orchestrator, including through secure user authentication protocols, secure access control methods, and firewall protection; 

8.7.2. Encryption of Device Data and Metadata during transit between the Celona AP, Celona Edge, and the Orchestrator and encryption at rest; 

8.7.3. use of a cloud hosting provider (as a sub-processor) that is SSAE 16, ISO 27001 and Type2 SOC2 certified (or equivalent), such as Amazon Web Services (AWS);

8.7.4. use of assessment and monitoring tools; 

8.7.5. periodic security review of Celona’s cloud environment. (Upon written request of Customer, Celona will supply to Customer a report on the results of the last such periodic review.)


9.1. Product Warranty

Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 9.5, Celona warrants for the duration of the Warranty Period (defined below) that the Products:

9.1.1. will substantially conform to Celona’s published specifications and Documentation;

9.1.2. will be free of defects in design, materials, workmanship, and performance under the standard operating conditions set forth in the Documentation;

9.1.3. in respect of Software and Orchestrator, do not contain: viruses or any other code harmful code designed to disrupt, disable, erase or permit unauthorized access to Customer’s systems or data; any time-sensitive code or other disabling devices or key lock that has the potential or capability of causing any unplanned interruption of the operations of the Software and/or Cloud Service, except as required by applicable regulations or by the SAS administrator (see Section 9.8); and

9.1.4. in respect of hardware Products: are new and unused and do not contain used or repaired parts (unless otherwise expressly agreed by Customer); and are free from any hazardous substance (i.e. any material, emissions, discharges, substance, chemical, element, compound, mixture, pollutant, contaminant or toxic or hazardous material, substance or waste that is designated, defined, listed, classified or regulated by any applicable law);

9.1.5. In respect of Celona Orchestrator and Orchestrator Additional Services, Celona warrants that it will provide Orchestrator with the degree of skill and care reasonably expected from a skilled and experienced supplier of services substantially similar to the nature and complexity of the Orchestrator Services (and Orchestrator Additional Services, if applicable).

which shall be collectively referred to as the “Product Warranties”.

9.1.6. Where the Software or Orchestrator service uses or incorporates Open Source Software, Celona warrants that it: has the right, under all applicable Open Source licenses, to grant Customer the contemplated use rights for the Products (including any Open Source Software contained therein) without any further license requirements; and has not used the Open Source Software in such a way that would obligate Customer under the terms of such open source licenses to distribute or make available to any third party the source code of any Customer software or data owned, developed or licensed by or for Customer.

9.2. Product Warranty Period

9.2.1. The Product Warranties set out in Section 9.1 above commence upon shipment of the hardware Products and delivery of the Software and Orchestrator (as applicable and referred to as the “Start Date”) and continue in effect as set forth in the table below (“Warranty Period”). 

Covered Products Warranty Period
Celona Access Points, Edge Server hardware, antennas, accessories, Software and Celona Orchestrator. From Start Date until expiration of Customer’s Service Term, and automatically extended for as long as the Customer maintains a subscription for the Products, subject to Celona announcing the end of sale for a particular model of Access Point, Edge appliance or Antenna.

9.3. Hardware Warranty Remedies

9.3.1. For any hardware Product that fails to conform with the warranty set forth in Section 9.1, Celona will either repair or replace the defective Product. In the event Celona is unable to replace any defective hardware Product with a Product that performs in accordance with this warranty, Customer has the right during the applicable warranty period (a) for access Points, to return the defective Access Points, cancel the subscription and receive a refund for the remaining, unused period of the applicable Service Term; and (b) for other hardware Products (e.g., Edge hardware or external antenna), return the defective hardware Product and receive a refund for the price paid by Customer. 

9.3.2. Upon receipt of written notification from Customer of a defective or non-conforming hardware Product, Celona will confirm by remote diagnostics that such hardware Product requires replacement. If Celona determines that the hardware Product requires replacement, Celona will issue a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) form to Customer with instructions on how to return the hardware Product to Celona. Celona will promptly replace the hardware Product with the equivalent or substantially similar make and model. Celona will ship replacement hardware Products, at Celona’s cost, to Customer. After the applicable warranty period, replacement units may be new or refurbished in Celona’s sole discretion.

9.3.3. Customer must ship the defective hardware Product for which an RMA has been issued to Celona within thirty (30) days of the date of the RMA. Products must be returned to an authorized Celona service facility in the original packaging or packaging adequate for shipping. Customer will pay the shipping and transportation charges for the return of the defective hardware Product to Celona except with respect to an Access Point that is delivered inoperable, damaged, and non-functioning and reported to Celona within 30 days of delivery, in which case, Celona will send an advance replacement (at Celona’s costs) and pay for return shipment of the defective or damaged Access Point.

9.3.4. Any hardware Product returned to Celona pursuant to a valid RMA shall be subject to review and inspection by Celona upon receipt of such returned Products. If Celona determines that the defect is not covered by the warranty, Celona will invoice Customer for the costs of shipping the replacement unit.

9.3.5. This Section 9.3 sets forth Customer’s sole right and remedy, and Celona’s entire liability, for breach of the foregoing warranty.

9.4. Orchestrator Warranty Remedy

Customer’s sole and exclusive remedies and Celona’s entire liability for breach of the warranty under Section 9.1 will be: 

9.4.1. Correction of the error or reperformance of the deficient Orchestrator service or Orchestrator Additional Services, as applicable, and

9.4.2. if Celona fails to re-perform in a timely manner, Customer may terminate its subscription for the affected Orchestrator service or Orchestrator Additional Service and accept a pro-rata refund of the subscription fees for any unused period of the cancelled Service Term. Any termination must occur within three months of Celona’s failure to re-perform.

9.5. Hardware Warranty Conditions

This warranty is conditioned upon proper use of the hardware Products, and (i) does not cover minor scratches to plastic surfaces and other externally exposed components, and (ii) will not cover: (a) defects or damage resulting from accident, unusual physical, electrical or electromechanical stress, modification of the hardware Products or any part thereof; and (b) defects or damage from unauthorized or improper testing, operation, maintenance, installation, servicing or adjustment of the Access Points. Opening the Access Point enclosure or modification to the Access Point will void the warranty. 

9.6. Post Warranty Support for Edge Hardware

For as long as Customer maintains a subscription to the Products, Celona will respond to requests for technical support for Edge hardware Products, and make available updates and bug fixes to the Firmware for the Edge hardware that the manufacture of such hardware products makes available to Celona (subject to the Edge hardware reaching its end of life).

9.7. Disclaimer


9.8. End of Life Procedures

Celona will provide at least six (6) month’s notice of the end of sale of a particular model of hardware Product. Customer may continue to purchase additional subscriptions which include this discontinued hardware until expiration of the 6 month notice period. All active subscriptions in effect as of the end of sale date will continue in effect and will continue to be eligible for Support services, including hardware replacement until expiration of Customer’s then current Service Term. Customer may renew a subscription following the end of sale date with the exception that the warranty will no longer apply and Celona will no longer include hardware Product replacement services as part of the subscription. Celona will continue to respond to requests for technical support, including performing diagnostic analysis to determine if the hardware requires replacement. If replacement is the only available remedy at that time, Customer will need to purchase the replacement hardware Product.

9.9. Service Limitations

The use of the Access Points is subject to FCC regulation (See FCC Title 47, Chapter 1, Subchapter D, Part 96 – “CBRS Regulations”). Customer acknowledges that the Access Points’ operation in the 3550-3700 MHz band (aka CBRS band) is subject to current and future international agreements with Mexico and Canada. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, Customer, as a General Authorized Access User, has no expectation of interference protection from other General Authorized Access Users as defined by the CBRS Regulations. Customer further acknowledges that there may be interference from Priority Access Licensees and Incumbent Users. Access Points and external antennas (if any) must be installed and maintained in accordance with the FCC regulations and in accordance with additional rules required by the Spectrum Access System (SAS) Administrator. Customer acknowledges that under certain conditions, the Spectrum Access System Administrator may suspend operation of Access Point. 


10.1. Indemnity from Celona

Celona will defend any suit brought against Customer to the extent it is based on a third-party claim that the Products sold to Customer infringes any U.S. patent or copyright, and will pay all damages and costs that a court finally awards against Customer as a result of such claim, provided that Customer gives Celona (i) prompt written notice of such suit within 30 days of the receipt of same, and furnishes Celona with a copy of all communications, relating to the claim; (ii) at the time notice of such claim is delivered to Celona, sole control over the defense and settlement of the claim and (iii) all reasonable information and assistance in the defense effort. In no event shall Celona be liable to indemnify Customer for any settlement entered into without Celona’s prior written consent.

10.1.1. Should a Product become, or in Celona’s opinion, be likely to become, the subject of a claim of infringement of a U.S. patent or copyright, Celona may, at its option, either: (A) procure for Customer the right to continue using the Product, or (B) replace or modify the Product to make it non-infringing. If neither of the foregoing alternatives is commercially available to Celona, then Celona will grant Customer a refund for (a) the purchase price paid by Customer of the relevant hardware Product depreciated on a five-year straight-line basis and accept return of the relevant Hardware; and (b) for the subscription fees for the remaining, unused period of the then current Service Term.

10.1.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Celona shall have no liability for, and Customer shall indemnify Celona against, any claim to the extent it is based upon or arising out of, in whole or in part, (I) alteration or modification of the Product which was not approved by Celona, (II) combination, operation or use of the Product with any hardware, software or other device not furnished by Celona if such claim would not have arisen had such combination, operation or use not occurred; (III) any product or service not provided by Celona; (IV) Celona’s compliance with Customer’s specifications, designs or instructions; (V) Customer’s failure to promptly implement an update or modification to the Product (e.g., install a Firmware release) provided by Celona at no cost and for which Celona has notified Customer in writing is required to be implemented in order to avoid a potential infringement claim; (VI) use of the Product in violation of the Agreement or Documentation.





12.1. Term

This Agreement shall commence upon the earlier of a) Customer’s use of the Products, or b) the date Celona accepts Customer’s initial Purchase Order in writing. Each Service Term will begin upon the last to occur of either i) shipment of all hardware Products ordered by Customer, and delivery by email of the activation codes to the Orchestrator (which in most cases will be simultaneous), or ii) the invoice date. The Service Term includes any renewals ordered by Customer. This Agreement will terminate on the expiration or cancellation of all Service Terms.

12.2. Termination

Either Party may terminate this Agreement for cause upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to the other Party for a material breach of this Agreement if such breach remains uncured at the expiration of such period. Celona may suspend Customer’s use of the Orchestrator at any time if Celona reasonably believes that Customer has breached the terms of Section 3.2; and if such breach remains uncured for 10 days following receipt of notice from Celona, then Celona may terminate this Agreement immediately. If Customer terminates this Agreement for cause, Customer will receive a refund of any prepaid fees equal to the prorated Orchestrator fees for the remainder of the Service Term. 

12.3. Survival

Upon any termination of this Agreement, Sections 11, 12.3 and 13 will survive any termination of this Agreement. 


13.1. Disclosure of Information

The Parties acknowledge that they may receive from each other and have access to certain confidential information of the other Party (“Confidential Information”), including confidential information about the business plans, customers, personnel, financial data, technology or products of the other Party. Information shall be considered Confidential Information if it is labeled as confidential or proprietary or, if supplied as an oral disclosure, is stated at the time of disclosure to be confidential or proprietary. The Parties agree that Software and Documentation shall be deemed Celona’s Confidential Information under this Agreement. The Parties agree not to use the other’s Confidential Information for any purpose except as contemplated by this Agreement. The use and access to Confidential Information shall be limited by the Parties to their employees who need to know such Confidential Information for the purpose of carrying out the Parties’ respective obligations under the Agreement and the Parties shall similarly bind these employees to abide by the terms of this Section 13 in writing. Confidential Information may include confidential, proprietary and/or trade secret information that is owned by third parties, which have granted sufficient rights to the Parties to permit the Parties to provide Confidential Information to each other hereunder. Customer shall not remove any proprietary, copyright, mask work, trade secret or other legend from any System or Confidential Information. The Parties shall, upon the termination of this Agreement, certify the destruction of or return to the other Party all tangible manifestations of Confidential Information received from such Parties pursuant to this Agreement (and all copies and reproductions thereof).

13.2. Exclusions

The restrictions contained in this Section 13 a) shall not apply to Confidential Information to the extent such information (i) is known to the recipient at the time of disclosure; or (ii) is independently developed by the recipient provided the recipient can show that such development was accomplished by or on behalf of the recipient without the use or any reference to Confidential Information or breach of this Agreement; or (iii) becomes known to the recipient from any source without confidentiality restriction on subsequent disclosure or use; or (iv) is or becomes part of the public domain through no wrongful act of the recipient. A Party shall also have the right to disclose Confidential Information pursuant to any binding judicial or governmental requirement or order; provided that it takes reasonable steps to give the other Party sufficient prior notice (to the extent legally permitted) in order to contest such order or seek protective measures.

13.3. Injunctive Relief

In the event of a threatened or actual breach of this Section 13, the non-breaching Party shall be entitled to seek immediate injunctive or other equitable relief, in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other remedies such Party may be entitled to.

13.4. Statement of Product Direction

Celona may disclose information related to development plans for future products, new features or enhancements (“Product Roadmap”). Product Roadmap information is subject to change at any time, without notice. Celona provides no assurances, and assumes no responsibility, that future products, features or enhancements will be introduced. Customer acknowledges that its purchasing decision: a) is not being made based upon reliance of timeframes or specifics outlined in any Product Roadmap discussed with Celona, and b) would not be affected if Celona delays or never introduces the future products, features or enhancements referenced in a Product Roadmap.


14.1. Compliance with Laws; Export Requirements

Customer and Celona shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Customer acknowledges and agrees that it and Celona are subject to regulation by agencies of the United States Government, including the U.S. Department of Commerce and Defense, which prohibits export or diversion of the Products to certain countries. Regardless of any disclosure made by Customer to Celona of an ultimate destination of the Products, Customer will not export, either directly or indirectly, any Products without first obtaining any and all necessary approvals from the U.S. Department of Commerce or any other agency or department of the United States Government that is required for such export.

14.2. Celona Ownership and Trademarks

Customer acknowledges and agrees that Celona retains all of its right, title, and interest in and to the worldwide intellectual property rights in the Products. All rights not expressly granted to Customer in this Agreement are expressly reserved by Celona. Neither Party will use the other Party’s name or trademarks without written consent.

14.3. Federal Government End User Provisions.

The Software and Orchestrator herein constitute “commercial items” and include “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation.” Pursuant to Federal Acquisition Regulations 12.211 and 12.212 or Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 227.7102-1 and 227.7202-3, as applicable, and Department of Defense transactions DFAR 252.227-7015, as applicable, the U.S. Government shall have only the license rights in technical data, computer software, and computer software documentation specified in this Agreement, and no authorized reseller may agree to grant Customer any rights in Celona’s technical data inconsistent with this Agreement. Any provisions within this Agreement that are inconsistent with federal procurement regulations are not enforceable against the U.S. Government. If a government agency has a need for rights not conveyed under these terms, it must negotiate with Celona to determine if there are acceptable terms for transferring such rights, and a mutually acceptable written addendum specifically conveying such rights must be included in any applicable contract or agreement.

14.4. Disposition of Access Points

Customer may (directly or indirectly) sell, transfer, or otherwise convey title to its Access Points only with the prior written consent of Celona and in connection with a merger, acquisition of all or substantially all of Customer’s business, corporate reorganization, or change in control. Otherwise, any resale, transfer or assignment of the Access Points will void the access rights to the Orchestrator. Customer may not transfer or assign the Software, including the Software license, separately from the Products with which the Software was provided. 

14.5. Entire Agreement

The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, Celona’s quotation and order acknowledgement, constitute the entire agreement between the Parties and supersede all previous and/or contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether oral or written, between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, including but not limited to any preprinted terms on Purchase Orders, invoices, advertising and sales literature.

14.6. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of California without reference to its conflict of laws principles. The provisions of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement. For any disputes arising out of this Agreement, the Parties consent to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of, and venue in, the state and federal courts within Santa Clara County, California.

14.7. Force Majeure

Except for Customer’s payment obligations, neither Party will be responsible for any failure to perform due to causes beyond its reasonable control.

14.8. Assignment

Customer may not assign or delegate or otherwise transfer its licenses, rights or duties under this Agreement except with prior written consent of Celona. Any prohibited assignment will be void. Celona may assign this Agreement in its entirety (including all Order Forms), without the Customer’s consent to an affiliate. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties thereto and successors and assigns.

14.9. Notices

All notices (“Notices”) shall be in writing and delivered by personal delivery, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested or by a recognized overnight delivery service. Any such Notices shall be considered given upon receipt, as confirmed by the delivery confirmation record. All Notices shall be sent to the respective address as may be specified by either Party to the other in writing.

14.10. Prevailing Party

In any suit or proceeding relating to this Agreement the prevailing Party will have the right to recover from the other its costs and reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys, accountants, and other professionals incurred in connection with the suit or proceeding, including costs, fees and expenses upon appeal.

14.11. Amendment; Waiver

Neither modification to this Agreement, nor any waiver of any rights shall be effective unless assented to in writing by the Party to be charged and the waiver of any other right hereunder or any subsequent breach or default.

14.12. Severability

If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Agreement, and the Parties shall seek in good faith to agree to substitute for the invalid provision a valid provision that most closely approximates the economic effect and intent of the invalid provision.

Celona Neutral Host Service Terms and Conditions

These Celona Neutral Host Service Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) set forth the terms and conditions under which Celona, Inc. (“Celona”) is willing to provide the Celona Neutral Host Services (as defined below) to customers (“Customer”) (either directly or indirectly through a reseller or channel partner of Celona) and Customer is willing to use and purchase such Neutral Host Service. Celona and Customer may be individually referred to as “Party” or collectively as “Parties”. In consideration of the covenants and conditions set forth herein, Celona and Customer agree as follows: 


This Agreement is intended to supplement the Celona Enterprise 4G/5G LAN Service Terms and Conditions. If there are any inconsistencies between a specific term or condition of this Agreement and a specific term or condition of the Celona Enterprise 4G/5G LAN Service Terms and Conditions, the specific term or condition of this Agreement shall control.


Capitalized terms used herein which are defined or specified in the Celona Enterprise 4G/5G LAN Service Terms and Conditions shall have the meanings set forth therein. When capitalized in this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings:Capitalized terms used herein which are defined or specified in the Celona Enterprise 4G/5G LAN Service Terms and Conditions shall have the meanings set forth therein. When capitalized in this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings:

Carrier means a mobile network operator, wireless service provider, wireless carrier, or cellular company who has authorized Celona to provide Neutral Host Service using that Carrier’s PLMN ID.

MOXN Service means the connection provided by Celona between the Customer’s Celona private LTE/5G network and the Carrier network that securely tunnels traffic to the respective Carrier’s core network. 

Neutral Host Service Usage Information means information collected by Celona about the performance of the Neutral Host Service at a Site, such as number of devices connected, quality of service, bandwidth consumed and will not include any Carrier’s subscriber information, CPNI or any other information that identifies the Carrier.

PLMN ID means a Carrier’s unique network identification that allows its subscribers to connect to Carrier’s network.

Service Term means the term of the subscription ordered by Customer and granted by Celona with respect to the Neutral Host Service.

Site means the physical location where Customer installs one or more Celona Access Points that will be used for Neutral Host Service. 

Transmission Agreement means the form agreement between Customer and a Carrier that authorizes Customer to receive Neutral Host Service for that Carrier’s network. 

2. Ordering Neutral Host Service

Upon receipt of a Purchase Order for Neutral Host Service, Celona will work with the applicable Carrier(s) to review, test, and approve the Customer Site for Neutral Host Service. Customer must provide the information requested by Celona and the Carrier about the Site and the proposed Neutral Host Service. Customer acknowledges that the inclusion of the availability of Neutral Host Service at the Site will mean that Carrier customer devices will attempt to access the Neutral Host Service for wireless telecommunication services. As a condition of receiving the Neutral Host Service, Customer will enter into a Transmission Agreement with each Carrier regarding use of Neutral Host Service to access such Carrier’s network. The Transmission Agreement must be signed by an authorized representative of Customer and Carrier.

2.1. Customer consents to Celona disclosing Customer’s name and details about Customer’s Sites to Carriers for purposes of implementing and maintaining the Neutral Host Service. Celona will have contractual commitments with Carriers to protect the confidentiality of any Customer Confidential Information shared by Celona with the Carrier.

2.2. The fees for the Neutral Host Service include access to Celona’s MOXN Service, remote provisioning of the Neutral Host Service, and technical support for the Service Term.

2.3. Celona will provide technical support and troubleshooting services for the Neutral Host Service in the same manner as Celona provides such services for its other Products.

3. Service Commencement Date

Neutral Host Service will not be available until the Carrier and Celona have tested and approved the Products at the Site for Neutral Host Service. The date on which Celona notifies Customer that Neutral Host Service have been tested and approved will be the “Service Commencement Date” for Neutral Host Service. Other than for the required testing and Neutral Host Service validation, Customer may not commence broadcasting a Carrier’s PLMN-ID prior to the Service Commencement Date.

3.1. Notwithstanding any other agreement between Customer and Celona to the contrary, Celona may cancel an Order for Neutral Host Service prior to the Service Commencement Date for one or more Sites without liability or penalty. Celona will provide written notice of such Order cancellation and, when permitted, include the reasons for such cancellation.

4. Invoicing

Celona will invoice Customer the fees for the Neutral Host Service on or after the Service Commencement Date.

5. Customer Requirements

Customer bears all the cost and expense for installation of the Products for the Neutral Host Service and supplying the power, data backhaul, and Customer LAN and WAN provisioned to support the additional bandwidth requirement from Neutral Host Service users. Customer understands that Neutral Host Service relies on Customer providing network connectivity between Celona Edge appliance and Software, Celona Access Points, Celona’s cloud-based Orchestrator and Celona’s cloud-based MOXN Service. Customer is responsible for providing the interconnectivity required for voice service access, including emergency (911 and e911) calling, to the Celona cloud environment.

5.1. Any Customer network outages will impact availability of Neutral Host Services. Customer will notify Celona within 24 hours if the equipment, Product, or component necessary to provide the Neutral Host Service experiences any activity that could materially impact a Carrier’s provision of wireless services to its customers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Customer will undertake commercially reasonable efforts to address the material impact to the Neutral Host Service caused by Customer.

5.1.1. By way of example, an action that materially impacts a Carrier’s provision of wireless services to its customers includes permanently downgrading the coverage provided by the Neutral Host Service, eliminating Neutral Host Service at a Customer Site, relocating the Neutral Host Service components, planning maintenance or a project that may require or cause the Neutral Host Service to be unavailable for more than twelve (12) hours.

5.2. After initial installation of the Access Points for the Neutral Host Service, any relocation, deactivation, suspension, or limited operation of the Access Points used for the Neutral Host Service requires the prior written approval of Celona. Any such request for approval shall be made at least thirty (30) days before an expected relocation to allow Celona (and the Carrier) to properly evaluate and approve or disapprove a request. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, provided that it conforms to Celona’s and the Carrier’s then-current RF instructions, specifications, and guidance, complies with FCC regulations, and does not cause interference or excess RF exposure. Customer’s failure to obtain such approval shall permit Celona (or the Carrier) to terminate Neutral Host Service at impacted Sites.

5.2.1. Customer shall perform any modification to the Products used for Neutral Host Service or any change to the real estate environment at the Site only after Celona is given a sufficient opportunity to evaluate whether those changes would impact RF exposure from the Products.

5.2.2. If there is an issue with Customer LAN and/or WAN infrastructure that is resulting in deterioration in Neutral Host Service performance and user experience, Customer will work with the Celona support team to troubleshoot and address any issue in a timely manner. Customer understands that a failure to resolve a Customer LAN or WAN issue may result in suspension by Carrier of Celona’s broadcast of the Carrier’s PLMN ID. Celona will coordinate with the Carrier to restore Neutral Host Service when Celona determines, acting reasonably, that Customer has resolved the issue giving rise to the request to suspend Celona’s broadcast of the Carrier’s PLMN ID.

5.2.3. Customer shall at all times follow the Celona manufacturer’s instructions, specifications, and guidance regarding operation of the Products and placement of the Access Points (i.e., only as approved by Carrier and/or Celona), including any requirement to place labels, stickers, or other visual advisories on or near such Access Points. Customer will ensure that all labels, stickers, or other visual advisory pertaining to RF exposure or separation distance of the Access Points from people that is placed on or near the Access Points (by Customer or Celona) is not removed, tampered with, covered, or otherwise obscured while the System is operating.

6. Representations and Warranties by Customer

Customer represents that Customer has the right to perform its obligations under this Agreement, that (if applicable) Customer is not in material default under the ground lease or other agreement pursuant to which it occupies and uses Sites, that Customer has obtained all required consents or approvals from any landlord, mortgagee or other person or entity having an interest in the Site in order to use Neutral Host Service.

7. Suspension of Neutral Host Service

In the event of a need to deactivate, suspend, or limit operation of the Neutral Host Service, Customer may receive advance notice from Celona where possible, but Celona may, in its sole discretion, make such changes immediately where necessary to protect Carriers, Customer, Carrier networks or third parties affected by the Neutral Host Service. Such deactivation, suspension, or limitation shall not constitute a breach of any Celona or Carrier obligation to Customer and shall not create any liability from Celona or Carrier to any users of Neutral Host Service. Permanent deactivation of Neutral Host Service as a Site for any reason terminates Customer’s right to use Neutral Host Service.

8. Regulatory

Customer will strictly comply with all compliance, regulatory or other similar requirements relating to the use of the Neutral Host Service at the Sites. Customer agrees to provide any information reasonably requested by Carrier related to the provision of Neutral Host Service at the Sites. If a Carrier faces any penalty or damages for Customer’s violation of any compliance, regulatory or other similar requirements, and Celona or the Carrier reasonably determines that an issue on the Customer’s network, caused such penalty or damage, Celona will immediately notify Customer and provide Customer, to the extent that Celona is able to do so, all documentation and information in Celona’s control or possession related to any non-compliance being caused by Customer. Customer will assume all responsibility, fully compensate Celona or the Carrier, with such full compensation including any costs to defend the investigation or lawsuit, and hold the Carrier harmless.

8.1. The Parties agree that if a regulatory agency or other governmental body of competent jurisdiction requires an audit or investigation of the communications traffic that is the subject of Neutral Host Service, both Parties will reasonably cooperate in any such investigation, provided that a Party (i) immediately notifies the other Party of a required disclosure or upon receipt of a governmental or court order, and (ii) cooperates with the other Party in making, if available under applicable law, a good faith effort to obtain a protective order or other appropriate determination against, or limiting disclosure or use of the Confidential Information, at no cost to the recipient Party.

8.2. Customer agrees to coordinate with Celona and Carriers to provide access to the Site as necessary to conduct regulatory or legal-mandated testing. Celona and Carrier will comply with Customer specific rules and regulations respecting security and visitor access to such Site. Except in times of emergency, Celona will provide at least twenty-four (24) hours’ telephonic or email notice before such access.

8.3. Customer Understands:

8.3.1. In order for 911 calls to be properly directed to emergency services, Celona must have the correct address where the Access Points are located. If Customer moves an Access Point to a different address without Celona’s approval, 911 calls may be directed to the wrong emergency authority, may transmit the wrong address and/or may fail altogether.

8.3.2. NHN Service uses the electrical power of your Site. If there is an electrical power outage, 911 calling may be interrupted.

Calls, including calls to 911, may not be completed if there is a problem with Customer’s network facilities that are connected to the NHN Service.

9. Termination

In addition to any of its other termination rights, Celona may, in its sole discretion, immediately terminate or suspend or limit Neutral Host Service, if:

9.1. Customer’s use of Neutral Host Service poses a risk to Celona or a Carrier, to any other user of the Neutral Host Service, or may subject Celona or any third party to liability, damages, or danger.

9.2. Customer uses the Neutral Host Service in a way that disrupts or threatens Celona’s network equipment or the systems, services, or network of any Carrier.

9.3. Celona receives notice or otherwise determines, in its sole discretion, that Customer is using the Neutral Host Service for any illegal purpose or in a way that violates the law or violates, infringes, or misappropriates the rights of Celona or any third party, including failing to obtain all approvals, consents, and permits required under these terms.

9.4. If the FCC or any other government regulatory agency or legislative body promulgates any rule, regulation, or order that has the effect of prohibiting or adversely affecting Celona’s (or a Carrier’s) ability to provide Neutral Host Service; or requires a modification to the Neutral Host Service for which the Carrier and Celona are not able to accommodate.

9.5. Celona is acquired, merges with, or undergoes a change in ownership with a competitor to a Carrier who does not consent to the assignment of Celona’s agreement with such competitor.

9.6. In the event Celona (or a Carrier) terminates Neutral Host Service entirely or at a specific Site for reasons other than cause due to a breach by Customer of this Agreement or Customer’s Agreement with Celona, then Celona will refund to Customer any pre-paid fees for Neutral Host Service for the remaining, unused portion of the Service Term.

10. Neutral Host Service Usage Information

Celona may share Neutral Host Service Usage Information with Carriers. Celona may use Neutral Host Service Usage Information for purposes of monitoring performance of the Neutral Host Service, to troubleshoot Neutral Host Service performance issues or improve the Neutral Host Service. From time to time, Celona may share Neutral Host Service Usage Information with Customer. In no event may Customer include or attribute any Carrier’s name to any such information, or any sub-set or superset of the information, or in such a way to allow a third party to infer a Carrier’s use of the Sites. Customer may not use a Carrier’s name, logo or symbol in connection with its use or availability of Neutral Host Service at any Site without the Carrier’s prior written consent.

11. Assignment

Notwithstanding any terms in the Agreement to the contrary respecting Customer’s right to assign the Agreement, Customer shall not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of Celona (and the Carrier), which shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned. Notwithstanding the above, Customer may assign Customer Agreement for Neutral Host Service in connection with a merger, acquisition, change in ownership, corporation reorganization, or sale of substantially all of Customer’s assets or stock.